Annette Ruenzler

Mittwoch, 26. März, 20 Uhr

Herzbergstr 40-43, 10365 Berlin

Vase 1, 2013
Keramik, Löcher, Kopfhörer, Vogelgesang (Baumpieper) 
90 x 35 x 35 cm

The uncanny aspect of many of Annette Ruenzlers works, their restrained naivity, appears as a coherent attempt to reformulate old conceptions through the distortion of classical beauty references. Her visual language celebrates beauty and poetry in an ambivalent way, at the same time very prosaic and excessively refined.

Even though she is investigating strong issues such as the role and position of women in society – and by extension gender issues and social conventions – there is no didactic moment in her work. Her practice is definitely political, but its quality is focused on the capacity of shapes to question restricting conceptions within society. The oddness of the shapes she produces reveals the complexity of the subjects she approaches and the dangers to provide with definitive or normative answers. Thus, naturally, she leaves ideas and statements open to doubt and personal interpretation. Her ideas are shaped according to a suggestive mode, which is an extremely honest way to develop a critical approach.

Fanny Gonella